Monday, October 01, 2007

God's faithfulness

An important focus for us as people of faith is to learn to trust and rely on God and God's faithfulness to us in Jesus. This faithfulness has to do with God's reliability as a person, and indeed as God in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It has to do with God's promises we find in Scripture, God's word. And we see this faithfulness time and again throughout Scripture, though not in ways humans could naturally accept and go through, apart from God's saving and sustaining grace.

I believe our only hope of being faithful and of fulfilling our commitment as God purposes that we do is for us to learn to depend on God's faithfulness. Of course our fulfillment will not be perfect. In our weakness and sin at times, we will fail in our hearts and in our actions. But at the same time we're to find that God is there to help us through the Spirit, and that we're all in this together in Jesus. Part of God's faithfulness to us is through others, as well as mediated through his word and directly to us in his grace by the Spirit.

We get in trouble when we don't see our commitment in terms of God's covenant to us in Christ, in terms of God's utter faithfulness to us. When we look at ourselves and all depending on us, then we're sure to fail, in fact we're already failing, even if we think we're doing so well.

God is faithful. And as we learn to trust and rely on God's faithfulness, we can learn faithfulness, even in the most difficult areas of our lives and through the most difficult times.

What would you add to help us in this, or any thought?


Anonymous said...

Yes God is faithful. He will faithfully send us all to hell.

Ted M. Gossard said...


God in Jesus took that pain on himself for you and for me. God is for us, and we can count on him to fulfill his promise to us in Jesus.

What we need to do is give God that trust that is called for, and that over time.

Anonymous said...

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
love and faithfulness go before you.

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.

from psalm 89

Anonymous said...

Ted -- This post reminded me of Paul's words to Timothy in his second letter, "If we are faithless, he will remain faithful for he cannot disown himself." I think God's faithfulness to me and his people has been a bulwark in my life. I have crouched behind this truth more times than I can remember.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Amen, Nancy. Great passage.

Charity, Great to hear from you. Amen to that. We all need it! And it's our only hope towards becoming really righteous in our hearts and lives.

Martin Stickland said...

Thanks for popping by and leaving your lovely comments Ted, have a great week!