Wednesday, June 14, 2006

love trumps everything

Justice. Vindication. Faith. Hope. These, and other realities are important, and not to be lost. But, rightfully understood, surely they are all expressions of love. And specifically the love found in the Trinity. From God in Jesus Christ. By faith we enter into this love of God as the reality that trumps all else.

This is important in our everyday lives, as we face the difficulties that inevitably come. Someone gives us the shaft, or we think so, anyhow. What do we act on? The need for justice or vindication? Or do we embrace the love of God in Jesus, even when we hardly can comprehend that love at the time? Yes. We must embrace this love as what we stake our lives on. And to do that, we must seek to live it out, even in the midst of mistreatment or misunderstanding or whatever it is we're facing.

Love includes the other factors, such as justice. A love bereft of justice and hope (in the Biblical meaning of hope) and truth (as found in God's revelation, supremely in Christ) is not the love of God or the love revealed in Jesus and in Scripture. So the love found in the world, really is diminished to the point that it lacks the traits that are found in God's love.

Our thoughts, attitudes and actions, in the midst of all the upheavals of life, must be characterized with this love. Otherwise we are living in a vain manner (1 Corinthians 13), even if God still takes some of it, to bring good.

If we're to walk in the way of Jesus, then we must live lives of love. As those who, ourselves, are dearly loved by God. We must extend our hearts and hands to love, especially when it is hard, or seems impossible to do so. This is a love which extends a grace that forgives. And a grace that brings with it the Truth that can change all of us.

Father, We thank you for your love expressed to us in your Son, Jesus. Jesus, We thank you for living out this love so faithfully before humans in this world and life. And doing so to the very end, even to the point of the death of the cross. Spirit, We thank you for your cleansing, healing, transforming love in our hearts, and through our lives, out to others. God, Let us live this love out. As you love, so let us love. Let us know your love, and make your love known. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts. Though I must admit, I was so tired when I started reading that I thought the title had something to do with coveting all of Donald Trump's belongings. Must. Sleep. More.


Ted M. Gossard said...

ha ha. Thanks Jamie. (I had a day like that this week)

John Frye said...

"Love includes the other factors, such as justice. A love bereft of justice and hope (in the Biblical meaning of hope) and truth (as found in God's revelation, supremely in Christ) is not the love of God or the love revealed in Jesus and in Scripture." This is such a great reminder of the depth and richness of God's love. Great post!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks so much, John. Yes. To dwell on the depths of God's love. Quite beyond us. Yet I need to.

Brad Huston said...


Nice thinking here. Learning to heed Paul's plea, "Why not rather be wronged, why not rather be cheated" is a daily wrestle for me but is one God continues to make strides within me to my utter amazement. Thanks for this....


Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks Brad. I appreciate your posts on love and truth recently on your blog. Thanks for sharing here.

Bob Robinson said...

Thanks, Ted.

In my zeal to do justice, I often forget that the first rule is to love. Good reminder.

Ted M. Gossard said...

So true for me as well. I got into a little political firestorm today. Fortunately love did prevail. But so easy for me to forget that "first rule" of love.
