Saturday, September 16, 2006

against prosperity message

Ben Witherington put up a great post (see the Time article, also) in response to the prosperity message/gospel that seems to be sweeping our country with signficant popularity. This prosperity teaching has a good dose of American thinking that is not in line with the truth of the gospel as it is in Jesus. Both Jesus and Paul, as well as the rest of the New Testament come from quite a different perspective. And my reading of Bonhoeffer, of late, has cast even more of a shadow on that thinking, for me, as well as bringing to light the word of truth, in this matter, in Scripture.

Thought this might be helpful to others, who, like myself, while never having bought into this propserity (or "health and wealth") gospel, still struggle with "worldly" thinking in regard to money, making money, and the like. It helps me better embrace the lot in life that I have. And want to get back to square one, in following Jesus, even if "poor", at least by the standards of "the American dream".

Thanks to Drew Moser, on his fine blog, rural praxis for calling my attention to the Time article.


drew moser said...

glad i could help...anything to expose the prosperity gospel for what it truly is. keep up the good work on this blog!

L.L. Barkat said...

In fact, it is interesting to consider how this relates to your other post (of today, above)... when our lives are focused inward on gain and prosperity, we may lose a sense of the outward reach of true grace...

Ted M. Gossard said...


I think you're so right. Giving is a grace, of course. And the embracing grace Scot writes about is at least out of harmony with the prosperity message, I believe. You put it very well. Thanks.