Monday, December 31, 2007

worshiping God

What should be our priority going into the new year as marked by our calendar? Worshiping God is one good place to start.

Eugene Peterson remarks how we get into trouble when we're talking about God, rather than talking to God. To worship God is to present and offer ourselves to him because of what God in Christ did for us, in offering himself up for us. It's a response of love and it's our response to God's word.

Worship should be a regular part of what we do. Really, in a true sense we should be endeavoring to worship God in all we do. And there are those special times we set apart to express devotion to God both alone, and with others. Bot are important as we see from examples in Scripture.

Worship helps us connect with God, and helps us see our true selves. True worship allows for nothing but pure devotion to the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If there is any rival in the heart as we endeavor to so worship, God will make that known to us.

This weekend at my sister's place with her family, we had a good time of worship singing songs and mostly hymns as I played my guitar. What mattered in that is that we were seeking to worship God in our singing, and in expressing our faith with the words of the songs we sung. I need to do more of this.

If we're to have a new year's resolution, maybe a good one would be to seek to make the worship of God a practice in our daily lives and in our special gatherings. Asking that God will help us in this, as we seek to worship him.

What thought might you have on this?


Anonymous said...

wow, this post if filled to the brim with goodies!

praise God
Jesus is Lord

Ted M. Gossard said...

A blessed new year to you and yours!

Halfmom said...

"Worship helps us connect with God, and helps us see our true selves."

And sometimes maybe I don't because I just don't want to see my true self.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes. Worship makes us more aware of our sin, yet our sin can keep us from worshiping in the first place.

I like the way Peterson, to me, seems to emphasize the point: Just do it. Worship God, as imperfect as one's worship is, doing so in Christ. I need to make this more of a special practice, as well as look at all of my life more, as an act or offering of worship. And to seek to do so, especially when I am aware of my sin. Like with the Old Testament offerings of worship, which had very much to do with sin. And Psalm 51 seems full of this. The worship there, pleasing to God is that of a broken and contrite heart.

paul del signore said...

count me in,

happy new year Ted


Ted M. Gossard said...

I'm sure you're in, Paul. And a blessed new year to you and yours, as well.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed worshipping our incredible God with you as well.The hymns we sang were so rich with truth. I love those "memorial stones" of the Christian faith. What a blessing to worship and Praise God together. I love you so much!
Your sister,