Tuesday, February 12, 2008

our heart language

What is our heart language, as in how we think, then act and live? It is so easy to imbibe the world's many takes on this, drinking deeply of that just by default. There are many ways opposed to the Jesus way, as Eugene Peterson so wonderfully shares with us, in his recent book, The Jesus Way. And at least by the constant drip of it into our lives, we are affected.

Our heart language needs to be more and more the same heart language given to us from God in the Scriptures, God's word; and in Jesus, God's Word. Of course just knowing the words alone from Scripture and from there of Jesus, are not enough in themselves. Not to say that knowing the Scriptures is not important, because it most certainly is. Jesus chided some in his day, even Jewish leaders, who neither knew the Scriptures or the power of God.

But we must know the heart language of the Scriptures. We must know by faith, the God of the Scriptures. And in so doing, we can come to know more and more the heart of God in these Scriptures. Of course we see this supremely through Jesus, God's final Word. But we need all of Scripture for it. And we need to be in prayer and faith, to really begin to sense this language in our own hearts.

As we read Scripture, or hear it read (maybe from ourselves, as some do) it needs to be more and more natural to us, and of which we seek to drink deeply because the words of Scripture from the Spirit are meant to be personal, from God to us back to God and to the world. And they need to be and inherently are life-shaping. We need to get into the drip, drip of it, as well, by our regular intake.

So let's keep at it. The words in themselves won't do it. It's the God behind those words who will help us hear him- something of his very heart, so that we might imbibe that, and become increasingly, people after God's own heart, in Jesus. Finding in God's Story our story in Jesus, in this present world.

What insight or thought might you have here?


Anonymous said...

it seems to me that through my journey here that the main thing is to humbly know and remember who i belong to, and to be grateful for this. especially in times when things all around me are telling me different.

the scripture through the Spirit is part of the Christian armor. God gave this to us for our spiritual protection.

if any Christian thinks that they do not need the word of God...maybe they will also think that putting a loaded gun to their head and pulling the trigger will not harm them either.

Anonymous said...

another good post from milton's (not so) daily dose.


preacherman said...

Excellent post.
I believe our hearts are what it is all about. God desires our hearts to be in tune with his. In will with His. Desire as His. It is true worship. Daily sacrifice. It is through our hearts that we really connect to God. It through the heart that the relationship grows deeper and deeper minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, and year by year.
God help our hearts always be in tune with yours!

Great points as well, sister.

I do want to thank everyone for their prayers. I still have been having some migraines but they have been better over the last few days. The doctors are cutting down my meds that were causing rebound migraines. I also had bottox injections to numb the nurves that were causing the pain. I haven't heard anything yet on the EEG so I guess, no news, is good news. So, thank you again, so much for all of your prayers and thoughts during this time.
I can feel it!
I can feel the presence of all the saints.
Thank you.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks, Nancy. God's word should become more and more the way we view life. Finding how our story fits in God's Story in Jesus.

Necessary, as you say, if we're to stand firm. And our downfall if we fail to take this to heart.

This all means we have to seek to prayerfully live out God's will revealed in his word in Jesus.

Thanks for the heads up on the posting. Will get to it soon.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks, Kinney. And Amen! Good to hear that you're feeling better. And will keep on praying.

Andrew said...

What exactly do you mean by learning the heart language of Spirit-breathed Scripture? I'm assuming you mean something about finding our lives in its story, God speaking his truth about me as I read his truth about Jesus and redemption.

Have you read The Jesus Way or Eat This Book? I really like Peterson and have read several books of his, including Christ Play in Ten Thousand Places.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, I've read them all, Andrew. They're worth rereading and holding onto the rest of one's life.

Yes, well expressed, Andrew. Something along that line. Getting the air or atmosphere of Scripture, of the Story, so that our story resonates or fits well into God's Story in Jesus. Wish I could better express it. But you did well.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Ted M. Gossard said...

...of course fitting well comes with all the conundrums of being a redeemed yet not fully redeemed human being- one saved, yet being saved and looking forward to the end or culmination of salvation, (of course that in itself, quite dynamic).