Thursday, August 30, 2007

God's new creation work

In Jesus there is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5). This concerns all of God's creation, not only individual souls. And we become a part of this work of God in Jesus.

We need to see the story of God as given to us in scripture in terms of creation, fall, redemption, new creation. These need to be ever linked together in our minds as we pray and work here, seeking to bring in God's new creation in Jesus into the lives of people as well as into all of creation, including human culture and institutions.

This is a tall calling and we need all of us in Jesus to reach towards that goal. We need to do well according to how we're made in God and in Jesus. This means a whole variety of ways in which we love God, and this includes all the things we have to do that we might not want to do or really seem gifted in doing. But the emphasis here is to do well according to the gifting God has given us.

I have a number of simple ways that gift plays out and I enjoy each of them. The goal for me is to let that work of new creation from God more and more do God's work in and through me, better put: let God do that work in me and out from me helping others enter into this reality.

How do you look at God's new creation work in Jesus? What does it mean in your thinking and in your life?


Anonymous said...

i love God,
i believe on His Son,
God gives
through His Spirit,
and recreation is happening.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Nice poetry, Nancy. And true.

Anonymous said...

I see God's new creation as a global perspective and a creative endeavor. I think Jesus showed creativity in his storytelling and miracle work, and although his direct mission was specific to Israel, the extension of renewed creation spills out to the whole of the world.


Ted M. Gossard said...

Paul, Yes. And I like your point about Jesus' creativity in his ministry. So obviously to the fore that it's easily not appreciated as it should be, at least by the likes of myself.

I'm reminded of Don Richardson's "Peace Child" to every corner of the world and peoples of the world: this new creation in Jesus is to touch all.