Friday, October 24, 2008

in Jesus

If you pay any attention to this blog, you'll notice again and again the words "in Jesus". This is related to the way many evangelical Christians end most all their prayers: "in Jesus' name, Amen." Or other Christians, and I like this, who make the sign of the cross. You don't have to be either Catholic or Orthodox to do that; I'm neither and think it's a good practice, though I rarely do it at this point, and would not do so in front of Christians who don't.

"In Jesus" is our only hope. For me I go back to Jesus in the gospels (Matthew through John), but also Jesus in the gospel or good news he brings in his coming. Study Jesus, look to him, and see the difference that will begin to make in your life.

When troubled over anything I especially need to keep coming back to Jesus. I'm in the book of Hebrews at work, and that points us to Jesus. When I don't have answers, I return to Jesus. All of God's will for us as humans, and for this world is wrapped up in Jesus. Through Jesus the change has appeared and is beginning, and will end in never ending glory in him (Ephesians and Colossians).

I look forward to getting my own copy of the Book of Common Prayer; a friend and spiritual director or mentor is encouraging me to do so (and to get one for Deb as well). To pray and live in Jesus is important for us, even as we wrestle through difficulties and enigmas in this life.

What would you like to add to these thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Study Jesus, look to him, and see the difference that will begin to make in your life.

i sent these words by email to my husband, my daughters, and to my sister and her sons.

in Jesus

Ted M. Gossard said...

I pray that that will make a difference for them.