Monday, September 08, 2008

life in the Son

Life in the Son is an important part of John's first letter. And "in Jesus" is key in understanding our life in God as God's people in this world and beyond. It is "in Christ" that we have this new life, by grace through faith, of course.

Deb and I enjoy walking together, and we've noted lately just what a huge difference it can be when the sun is hidden behind the clouds. It feels much cooler and especially so with a wind or breeze. Then it comes out in the open again, and what a difference!

Life in the Son seems similar. And indeed God is likened to the sun, arising "with healing in its rays." A wonderful picture for us all. And one we need, much.

What a difference it makes for me, when God is either obscured behind the cloud of my sin, as compared to when I confess and receive God's forgiveness in Jesus! Yet there are also times when God is hidden behind a "cloud of unknowing" purposefully, it seems. This was true even in Jesus' life here on earth. He, being called the Pioneer and Perfecter of the faith, whom by his work for us, we're to follow. This means we can expect seasons like that as well, I take it. It seems part of our calling in Christ to drink something of the cup he drank, and that necessarily means we will experience some darkness in this world, even though we are "light in the Lord."

But life is in the Son, in Jesus. The life that goes on and on and is really true life. A life which is in God as opposed to the false life we make for ourselves, like even Solomon did, with all our idols- idols of the heart. That mercifully brings us trouble, as it did for Solomon. So that we might turn away from those things, and back to God in Jesus.

What thoughts would you like to add here? How is life in the Son like our need for the sun on earth? What does that mean for our life and walk now, in a dark world?


Lanny said...

I don't know why but when you were talking about the coolness as the sun was covered by clouds, then the heat when the clouds moved, I was thinking of the times we purposely duck from the Son because the heat is uncomfortable. I pray I would learn to hide less.

The Son shine is noticeably very theraputic when it is chilly out.

Thanks for the great meditation for today.

Ted M. Gossard said...


Yes, that's a good angle to bring up. Amen. We avoid what is for our good, and hold on to what is our undoing. We always need grace in Jesus so that hopefully we learn more and more to live in the light, and be more and more willing that all our hidden things (even unbeknownst to ourselves at times- or in a denial kind of way, I guess) would be exposed so we could meet them squarely for what they really are, and bring them to God in confession. So that we can live in and learn to appreciate more and more, his glorious light, and be transformed from glory to glory in it.