Wednesday, February 01, 2006


16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. John 1 (TNIV)

Grace. Without that we're all sunk. Day after day. Moment after moment.

As humans we have ups and downs in our experience. And we often fail in our attitudes and actions. But God's grace in Jesus stays the same. It keeps on coming.

I would like to think of grace as what God is like and what he is all about. God so loved that he gave (John 3:16) and from that keeps giving. But we must be open to receiving that gift (John 1:12,13) and to keep on receiving from that. Each morning we can find God's grace anew (Lamentations 3:22-23).

My life is a disappointment that I have to deal with every day. But I find God's grace in Jesus to be there, fresh every day, because it just keeps on coming. And he gives us a newness that brings life and purpose into our being and doing, regardless of anything else.

So in Jesus, let's count on this grace. No matter what. His grace will be there for us. We only have to count on that, receive it, and keep receiving it, over and over again. Amen.

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