Tuesday, August 26, 2008

humbling ourselves

Augustine in the book I quoted from in Sunday's post has some good words on humbling ourselves. I really don't have permission to copy the words, and it makes me wonder about my "quotations of the week". Don't know what to think on that, as I believe in obeying every law, and this just occurred to me yesterday.

Augustine says that we ascend by descending, as followers of our Lord. We must descend into the valleys, before we can ascend into the mountains. It is really quite good, and spoke to me clearly today. I would have liked to copy it for here.

I find this true, but can do it falsely, left to myself. Self-deprecation is not helpful here. Obedience to Christ in letting God be God in our lives, as we seek to trust and obey, owning up to our sins, and in all this, embracing the way of our Lord Jesus, in all of life, is key here.

And it's not just a one or two event matter. It's to be a daily and regular ongoing practice and way of life for us. We must let go of all pride and humble ourselves. Whenever we are aware of pride, we should immediately confess it to God and forsake it. And we may need to confess it to another, if it has shown up in our actions or words. Just today a sister in the Lord pointed out to me a fault I have. I was glad for her help, because I failed to see it, or appreciate it for what it really was. This can help me set a new tone and goal for my life in that area.

What about you? What have you learned about the grace of humility in Jesus, in your life, which can help us?

Tomorrow: "Lava Rock - witness" from L.L. Barkat, Stone Crossings: Finding Grace in Hard and Hidden Places


Anonymous said...

P: 1-800-877-2665

Ph: 1-800-877-2665 webmaster@bakerpublishinggroup.com PO Box 6287 Grand Rapids MI


died august 28, 430

i would think you could call the publisher and ask.

i am thinking that since the author, augustine, is not living with us any longer that you could print his work. but, i do not know the law...

however, if you want to talk to someone that does
maybe you could call here


Lanny said...

Two things have really struck me hard lately, things I have heard from others: That we are to rely on God as our justifier in all things including our day to day actions, as in, no more excuses for our behavior, repentance, yes - excuse giving meant for justifying, no. Excuses have always been a huge habit of mine. Ugh.
The other thing is from Ray Stedman: "No Christian has the right to a private life. Our lives are to be lived openly before all men, transparent, a spectacle unto all the world. We have no private lives and we must not expect to have." My father used to say that omission (purposely leaving something out) is the same as a lie. I have been attempting to really wrap my brain around these things all put together.

If I know God loves me, then why do I worry about how exposed I am? He promises to clothe me. I ought to be more worried about the fungus and rot that kills and destroys which lives in the darkness of cover than the rancor of onlookers that cannot destroy what is intended to live with God.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks much, Nancy. I'll look into that.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Very well expressed and equally well content. Thanks so much. So important and we need to heed well what your saying and pointing to here!

KM said...

Ted, from your few comments I take it you're thinking about copyright and infringement?
"Fair use" is a very important concept in copyright matters, and there are 5 components of it: nature of the source; purpose of the medium in which it is quoted or used; amount quoted or used; the effect of the quote or use on the value of the original; and common practice in the writer's community.
Wikipedia has a pretty good summary of these ideas, and that'll help you consider the full implications of the law as you consider what action you're going to take.
Copyright laws were never intended to halt the flow of ideas, though. :)

KM said...

I thought I posted the link. Sorry: here.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks much. I'll give that a read soon.