Monday, December 08, 2008

trouble and change

We all run into troubles in life. And sometimes they're quite devastating. I think of the Joseph story in the Old Testament. Joseph in the New Testament has some parallels. Faith in the midst of trying and difficult circumstances was important for them both, and is indeed important for us all. Trouble marked the lives of Naomi and Ruth. We know the good from God that came out of all these troubles.

None of us either like or want change. But change is a big part of what happened to those named above, as well as many others in Scripture, including Jesus himself. For many where I live this has meant being laid off from their jobs. For some others it takes the form of sickness, or some other physical trouble. Or maybe an unexpected (or even, expected) divorce. All kinds of troubles can press in on us, big and small.

God is at work in the midst of it all to bring good, and change into our lives, in Jesus. I know this is true in my life. Alot of my troubles have been relatively small. But they all tend to be used by God to awaken me to needed change in my life, in one way or another. This can involve growth in becoming more like Christ in character, or growth in trusting God more, not to mention new things God may want to do. I've learned to just keep walking through and pressing on during the hard times. It seems like those are the times in which I've grown the most.

What have you learned about trouble and change?


Lanny said...

Trouble? Had a friend who used to say that she threw rocks in front of her own bike. That pretty much sums up my troubles.

Change? love it, embrace it, look for it, desire it, don't do it enough of it for my delight and do too much to my husband's chagrin. Which is why God gave him to me. Don't say the "b" word (balance), it just is what it is.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks. I agree on both. Though just living in this world and seeking to follow Christ involves trouble. And of course part of our calling in Jesus involves ongoing change, which is oftentimes uncomfortable, though maybe you're one of those rare souls who doesn't mind a bit (or more) of upheaval.