Saturday, June 13, 2009

doing and learning

I think the message from James has something vital to say to most of us right where we are. That we need to at last take seriously what we do know from God's word. Rather than think our problem is that we need to know more. Important for where we are today.

At the same time, however, I do believe we need to keep learning more. We need to learn from others, more Scriptural ways, or ways inherent to Scripture and to God's working in humans through Christ, to view life. God is our authority, and Scripture as his word is our light, in Jesus. And God gives insight to us all through each other by his Spirit.

So I must keep applying what I know, and repenting where need be- both. And along with that I need to continue to learn better how to be a true follower of Jesus in this life. Intellect is included, but it actually is about the whole person- our hearts, lives, mind, and strength. With a dependence on God and interdependence on each other.

Thank God for his multi-faceted grace through it all!

What might you like to add to this?


Mama K said...

Yes, I agree with you on all this... but you make it sound like so much work!! (Or maybe I'm just tired right now and everything sounds like too much work.) (-: Thankfully, "It is God who works in us both to will and to do ..." His will for us. We have to do our part, of course - I know this is what you are referring to, but That grace you mention ... I just know I am not big enough or strong enough or smart enough to get it all... so it's a good thing He leads me along and does the growing in me. (Hear me breathe a big sigh of relief!)

Ted M. Gossard said...

Mama K,
So very true. We're all so weak and frail in ourselves in this life, and we always will be! So we're ever in need of God's grace in the many ways it comes to us.
