Saturday, August 01, 2009

Mary's Song

In The Real Mary, Scot McKnight points out just how subversive and powerful Mary's Song was (and still is, at least in many places in our world today) in her anticipation by the Spirit just what her son, as God's Son and Messiah would mean, in the coming of God's kingdom to the world. Though Mary had much to learn about this, still her song is certainly right, and part of what she surely taught Jesus as he grew up.

This past Sunday in my mother's Mennonite church in Ohio, we had the pleasure of singing a song which I intend to work on. Because of copyright laws I don't feel free to reproduce it here. Canticle of the Turning, words by Rory Cooney based on this passage from Scripture, with a traditional Irish tune arranged by him. You can play part of it here. The words are powerful and the tune quite like Mary might have actually sang (in my imagination and from what little I think I know).

We don't have enough songs that mirror the concerns and passion of Mary's Song, which indeed is an important part of God's concern and passion. It's all too much about me and God, about God's great salvation for us. Those are good, important, and needed. But it must not stop there. We are terribly lacking in hymns and songs which address the theme which stands out in Mary's Song, how God's kingdom in Jesus impacts the kingdoms and evil of this world. And the film which came out the same year Scot's book here referred to came out, makes Mary more into the traditional Mary, who in the film seems quite overcome with the notion of bearing the Christ-Child, and hardly expectant as to what that bearing would mean.

May more songs like Rory Cooney's be written.

What might you like to share here?


Lanny said...

I listened to the song on youtube and have located one to download. That is a beautiful song and I found my self rising from the dining room chair and dancing for joy in agreement to the words. How delightful a song, how inspiring and directing! Thanks.

You may have missed a post I did in December on Mary's Magnificat and what it means to my heart. 'Encouragement in Womanhood From Mary, the Mother of God,' I added the label 'Mary' to make it easier to find.

When I moved from the Christian tradition I was raised in to another, two things really struck me, the lack of holiness and reverence when speaking of God (he was seen as a pal and buddy, something I had never come across before) and the near complete disregard for the woman whom God's word says, "For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

So your post has touched a spot for me today, now I can go braid garlic with a new tune to learn! Thanks again!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, Lanny. I played that over and over again from YouTube, but didn't feel free to include it on the posting due to copyright laws.

I'm glad you found as much delight in the song as I did.

I'll read that post later. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Yes, we don't honor Mary enough in our evangelical traditions. And that book by Scot is one you'd greatly enjoy; it is great stuff for anyone!