Tuesday, August 18, 2009

slowing down

I'm not sure how I'm going to negotiate this, but I had inklings of it, already, before the trip to Texas. I realize that I push my body too hard, and I also realize that I need to be more like Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet.

So I plan to be slowing down. I still want to do what I do, being open to changes from God, of course. I like to read, and keep reading, and in the midst of my reading be stretched intellectually and in every way within my commitment to Jesus and to the Christian faith. But I need to make sure that I'm always majoring on my walk with Jesus and in the community of Jesus in mission in this world.

So this means I'll daily continue to work on this through being in the word and prayers, nothing new there, as well as daily in some devotional book, the book I'm using now for this, which has much in it to not only read, but digest into one's life.

Slowing down for me means more sleep. Less caffeine. And more relational time with others. I think I've been improving and growing in doing that with my wife, but I need to work on doing the same with others. That does take a commitment and effort on my part.

Have any of you thought about slowing down, and what that might mean for you? Do any here see the need for that? And why? Or any thoughts.


L.L. Barkat said...

Slowing is good. Your mind will fight against it. Don't let your mind have its way...

Anonymous said...

sure is good to get plenty of sleep.

Ted M. Gossard said...

L.L., Thanks. I probably needed that!

Ted M. Gossard said...

You're so right, nAncY. And God gives his beloved sleep, or gives to them in their sleep (from a psalm).