Friday, January 02, 2009

back to real life

It has been a wonderful vacation for me, for Deb and I. She is back to work later today, and I on Monday. So we're back to real life again, the normal everyday, every week routine. But the rest and recreation has been good for us.

Nothing like the crucible of life helps us grow. God's work seems to be in both indicatives and imperatives. Those come together, and so we see God's word in Jesus being planted and sprouting in our lives. So that even when we may be reluctant, yet we end up wanting to change and be changed. God gives us a holy dissatisfaction with where we are, and openness to him, as to where we need to be. There is nothing like real life to help us see our dependence on God and interdependence on others.

God will be with us in Jesus by the Spirit. Always and in ways beyond us, ways we don't comprehend, as well as in ways we do, as this begins to dawn on us. Back to real life involves being in some hard, dark places at times, places in which our faith in God will be tested so that it can be refined and grow. We have to realize that, but we can be glad as well for the rest and refreshment God gives us along the way. I certainly experienced that here at home with Deb, and in Ohio visiting my mother and two sisters and their families. It was wonderful to see God's goodness in that. But we can find God's goodness in the hard places, and I find they're often hard because I need change. And I often find in those hard places that God's Presence especially becomes evident.

What about you and "real life"? And the special times of rest and refreshment? What might you like to add here?


Mama K said...

I kind of don't want to think about real life yet... I have a couple more days of holiday, right? But I have been thinking about it, and what this brings to mind is what I wrote about here:

Crowm said...

Real life - the time in our lives when challenges and trials come our way - sometimes even worked out by the grace of God. It's real life that helps us keep our "feet on the ground". It's real life that helps us understand how good God really is. Without real life, I don't think we would understand grace, love, or mercy. We wouldn't understand restoration. Despite all of the "stuff", I think we do well to thank God for the real life - whatever it holds.

Sorry. I didn't realize how "preachy" that really sounded. I'm glad to hear you had a good visit Ted. May God continue to bless you richly this year.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Mama K., Nice to see that post and your Christmas post. Very nice family video there.

Yes, I really want to ease back into things now, as I must hit regularity on Monday, though this weekend shakes out as a pretty normal one.

We look forward to Spring now, and sunshine, for sure over here.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks for every word. I don't think it's preachy, but if so preach it!

Yes, so very true. I have found it ironic that when I'm struggling the most and seem at times to be going in reverse is when I seem to be learning and more sensitive to what God might be trying to teach me or build into my life. Whereas when things seem to be going well and I'm okay, I seem to be less sensitive to God. I need to learn to do well that way perhaps, in good times as well as bad times. God is always at work, and there's enough reality always. But good to have those times of rest.