Tuesday, January 27, 2009

having eyes to see

Many of my posts are composed when I get up in the morning. And a good number of those are related to ways I've sense God is at work in my life. Or areas I need to work on. Firsthand kind of things. As I reflect on the day before.

Jesus taught us that we need to have eyes to see and ears to hear. We need to work at developing a sensitivity toward God, not dependent on anything except God's grace. Reading Scripture, and good books is helpful for us in this. Listening to others, Christian fellowship, and listening well to everyone (Bonhoeffer). These and more will help us begin to have discernment toward having a sense of what God is doing and speaking into our lives.

As we keep going through Scripture, we can get perspective on our own lives by viewing the lives of others. This is an important part of learning to "see" and "hear" well. Seeing God's work and will in the lives of ordinary human beings like ourselves.

Am I seeing and hearing well now? I wouldn't say that, in fact I believe at times I am not. But I think it's good to be aware of this need, so that we can work on our focus as well as to what and how we are listening: where our attention lies.

What thoughts might you like to add to these few thoughts here?

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