Wednesday, January 07, 2009

a friendly word

I'm not into a lot of the psychological babble that is present and popular, and against some of it. Although we will pick up truth here and there akin in some cases to wisdom, even if not measuring up to the full wisdom found in the Proverbs.

But I think a good word spoken in season can't be underestimated. Early yesterday at work I was grilled by someone over what I consider a trivial matter and not a sin issue, who later apologized. That got me to thinking about how I've been wronged in the past, and just how much I hate loveless fundamentalism. The kind that goes after people regularly, and is always finding others on the short end (and they, evidently, on the longer end). So I stewed over that to a good extent, an extended portion of the day. Of course noting anything around me, that I could imagine fitting into my complaint.

By and by a person came and simply said a few friendly words in reference to the Ohio State- Texas game, in which my Buckeyes lost (a heart breaker). Just to hear his friendly words took me out of my stew and reminded me of God's grace which in Jesus transcends and overcomes all. And how apart from grace, we're all in a bad fix. Right along with that, I was grateful for the companionship of a fellow worker, one who is soon to leave us and who I will truly miss.

A friendly word. Let's reach out even to those who may seem unreachable. And even at odds with us. Maybe even as this person did to me yesterday. Seeing God's grace in Jesus prevail, a grace that will win out fully in the end.

What would you like to add to this? Have you seen this play out in your life?


Ted M. Gossard said...

I hope I'm not misunderstood as saying "I hate fundamentalism." Indeed a good number of people in the world would label me as a Christian fundamentalist, even if I do not. I'm speaking of something which sadly can occur in that tradition, but really can occur with us all.

Jason Jasperse said...

I at least understood your meaning.

Those who willingly sacrifice honest, engaging conversation in order to be technically correct every time they open their mouths.

It sounds like you and your co-workers enjoy (at least for the most part) rousing discussions on Biblical topics, and I am jealous.

Speaking of co-workers, do you happen to remember a Dave Downey that used to work in the print shop for RBC?

I used to work with him at the airport, and we'd never get anything done because we'd jabber our entire shift!


L.L. Barkat said...

a good word in season... yes... takes wisdom... and maybe a little time spent "outdoors" :)

Ted M. Gossard said...

The Wingnut,
Thanks. Well, I think for the most part it's pretty laid back over here. Of course among those who read and study there can be quite interesting discussions, I'm sure. Though most of those I engage with are on the same page, or definitely in the same "book" with me. And conversation is honest and open, which is wonderful.

But I do appreciate working there, and really take it less for granted more and more (ha ha, a clumsy way of saying it!) as I grow older. Bonhoeffer is right on that, from his book, "Life Together." Though I do miss working out among all kinds of people who believe and don't believe.

I can't recall a Dave Downey. I have been weak on last names; I'll mention him to someone there. But it is nice when people can share on these things and do so openly, in good and true discussion, with a willingness to think out loud with each other. Your second sentence is true. So good to find people with whom one can be completely honest, and with whom they can think through things in a refining and even at times, correcting kind of way- and above all as friends in Jesus.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Isn't cold over there in New York state? It is here, and to get into single digit Fahrenheit this coming week, probably the coldest week of the winter, they're saying, with maybe a thaw following.

Yes, I love the outdoors, and between you and Dean Ohlman (Wonders of Creation blog, and a fellow worker with me, a brilliant fellow, and amateur naturalist) I hope to do better that way in coming days (and I do look forward to Spring!).

The best word I have in season now is just keep warm and dry, and enjoy the beauty of the snow, especially from your windows. (: