Tuesday, August 25, 2009

discerning the devil's lies

We are in a lifelong battle against spiritual forces that would more subtly than not, move us away from the path and way of the Lord. God speaks to us, but the devil, or those spiritual entities speak to us as well. We need ongoing discernment to detect so we can reject the devil's lies.

We need to be in the word regularly. Something there can hit us and help us just get a quick view of what is going on. As soon as we get that view, we need to prayerfully keep it in focus and in faith act on it. And then we need to seek to gather that insight from God to incorporate into our lives as part of our daily walk, or way of life.

We always need God to uncover these lies, and this is evident when we are down. Too often voices come to us with the authority of God which are accusatory, rather than helpful as in an advocate to show us the way. God's way in grace lifts us up to where we are in Jesus, and what we are in him by the Spirit. The devil's lies, even through other Christians sometimes- perish the thought!- or maybe its our own ears!- would tear us down and leave us grovelling in the dust. God values humility, but not grovelling as if we aren't his children whom he easily delights in.

Just some thoughts on discerning Satan's lies. What thoughts would you like to add to these?


Anonymous said...

good and appreciated words, brother.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks, nAncY.

nannykim said...

Yes--good point...I was thinking today about the power of God's word. I think about John Bunyan --when he spoke he was so immersed in the word of God that it often just flowed out of him. I can see that this would be powerful in our lives. I need to let God's word more fully reside in me!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes. We do need to be in God's word all the time. That is chiefly how God gives us insight: by the Spirit through the word, I think.