Tuesday, September 29, 2009

grace at work

It is refreshing to see God's grace at work in a person's life. It's God's grace that brings us forgiveness in Jesus, and changes us, not our self-flagellation, or constant groaning over our sin. Grace at work means we take sin seriously, but that we also take God's forgiveness and transforming work in Christ just as seriously too.

God's grace at work in our lives is evident in so many ways. It is evident in a desire to really know and follow Jesus, better. It is evident when we're tired of the way we can be, and look to God for something better, a change of heart, a renewing of the mind.

Theology does impact Christians, and if one's theology doesn't reflect what Scripture is saying, it falls short. No theology is perfect of course. When Paul sees himself as the worst of sinners, and is marvelling over God's grace in his life, it's because of his past in persecuting those of Jesus, even to their death (insight from John Howard Yoder's, The Politics of Jesus). It isn't a theology of "I am a miserable wretched sinner, but inspite of me all the time, God's grace is at work." Sure, we're not sinless, but grace at work in our lives means we're to be followers of Jesus, and we're not to let sin have its way in our lives.

I am so thankful for God's grace at work, for seeing it in others, and for experiencing it together with other Christians in God's community in Jesus.

How do you see God's grace at work, or any other thoughts?

Tomorrow, we finish Chapter 1, "Joining Mary at the Feet of Jesus," in Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. The anointing of the Messiah, the Christ, and we who are in Christ.


Anonymous said...

it truly is refreshing.
i am thankful for the Grace of God always being bigger and more powerful than sin and evil.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Amen, nAncY!