Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ed Dobson on Good Morning America

Ed Dobson is a person I and many others love. He used to be our pastor at Calvary Church when we lived on that side of the city. He has since been stricken with a rare form of ALS, which I had heard is slower moving. I don't know really anything about it, so am not sure what his prognosis is.

As you'll see in the link above, if you care to, his story is an interesting one. And how that played out in 2008. I mentioned this story right after Christmas.

And here is the link I want to call your attention to today, from an interview he recently had on "Good Morning America." It's about trying to live like Jesus did, literally, for a year. Interesting. And I think to spend some significant time steeped in the gospels would be helpful to us all.


Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

very interesting post - and an interesting man. he is right - we would all do well to read through the gospels, again and again - and have a beer with real people and talk with them about a real God.

preacherman said...

What a story!!!!
I want to thank you brother for sharing his story with us and letting us know about him being on good morning America. It is amazing the faith and strength one recieves when going through a tough time. It is inspiring to see others faiths despite difficulty. He is one of those believers. Ted I hope you and your wife have a wonderful 2009. You, your family and ministry are always in my prayers. You have been such a blessing to my life. Thank you!

Allan R. Bevere said...

Ted: A great post and link.

It reminds me of the story of Martin Luther, who while he was teinding his garden one day, was asked how he would spend the day differenly if he knew he would die that night. Luther responded that he would simply continue tending his garden.

How should I live my life each day in faithfilness to God, that if I knew my life was required me tonight, that nothing different need be done?

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks, Susan. And amen to that. Good way of putting it.

As I remember Ed has been spending time in "the inner city" the past few years. So he's seeing certain things firsthand that many of us see little or nothing of at all.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks for your most kind words, and for your prayers. Yes, it is wonderful what God can and will do, if only we trust him. God is good, no matter what, and he wants us to live out and show that goodness which is of him, but to us- in Jesus, in this world. Amazing to be sure!

You and yours are in my prayers as well, and I hope for a most blessed and joyous 2009 for you, as well.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes. Good point. I like the analogy in Scripture of our Christian life being a walk, whether in the Spirit or with reference to other things with God in Christ in this world.

Walk has the sense of plodding along and taking one thing at a time. Living in the grace of God in Christ in the real world, in real life, with all its problems and ups and downs.

So yes. One other thought: what if I go tonight. How will those who know me remember me in a way that edifies them in Jesus? A good thought, maybe, to grow on.